Swimming with Hair Extensions

Because we are in Florida, I felt like this post was a must. Let's debunk some of the biggest “swimming with hair extensions” myths. Lets dive in!

<3 Raqual

10/24/20222 min read

Here are my top tips for caring for your extensions before, during and after water + sun exposure.


Ideally, it's best to avoid getting your extensions wet, when it can't be avoided, one of the most beneficial things you can do for your extensions is to wet them with cold, natural water prior to swimming. Think of your dry hair like a sponge, it is going to soak up the first liquid that it encounters. To prevent it from soaking up excessive salt or chlorine, a pre-rinse fills the hair shaft and prevents large amounts of those harmful compounds from being absorbed. It’s important to protect your hair from elements like the sun, saltwater, sunscreen, and chlorine. If you don’t it will cause dryness, damage, and discoloration! Using a heat / UV protectant like Olaplex or K-18 will protect your hair against the harsh rays of the sun. Another great way to protect your hair while in the sun for extended periods of time is with an accessory like a bandana or a hat!

Tip: Did you know that sunscreen can cause discoloration in your extension hair? Blondes especially! Make sure to wear your hair up before applying so it doesn’t touch your hair. A nasty ingredient called Avobenzone can permanently turn your perfect blonde locks into a peachy pink/orange hue. This ingredient is quite common in chemical sunscreens (which studies have shown are not so great for the body), but mineral sunscreens (ones that use zinc oxide) are perfectly extension safe. There is cream or spray options available to keep your skin protected, and your hair extensions the same beautiful color


Wet hair is inevitable on beach/pool days, but if you can, it’s best to be avoided for those with hair extensions. Water - especially salt or the chlorinated kind - weakens the Keratin, Tape In, or Genius Weft extension bonds. When they get wet, they’re most fragile, be mindful of that. A few styles that can help prevent tangling. Braids, Pigtail/Ponytail braids (french or regular), Buns. Even if you only plan on sitting poolside to protect your strands from the sun's rays grab all your hair and top if off with a big floppy hat to completely protect your locks and scalp from harmful rays. One protective style to be mindful of? Tight Ponytails. They create tension and are particularly damaging to Keratin extensions.

Tip: Keep a small microfiber towel on hand that is dedicated to drying your hair. Using your index and middle finger, gently pat the towel along the roots of your hair and along the bonds of your extensions. Avoid regular beach towels as the material is rough, drying, and can cause your already delicate extensions to rub against one another and tangle.


Once you’re done, it’s important to wash your hair. For regular hair extension maintenance, typically I recommend shampooing and conditioning no more than 3 times a week. However, chlorine and saltwater are incredibly drying and it's imperative that they're removed from your hair as soon as possible. If you aren’t able to wash your hair right away, no worries! Reapply a leave-in and brush through with your extension brush, detangle your hair until you can get to the shower! Leaf and Flower CBD moisture locking are my current favorites for cleansing + conditioning to replenish our hair.

Tip: Let your favorite mask or conditioner sit for at least three minutes after applying to receive the maximum benefit. Rinse with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture! We hope these tips and tricks will help give you the confidence to be in the water all summer long.

Happy swimming!

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<3 Raqual